Book Character Costumes - Dress up Ideas

Book Character Day is a wonderful occasion for students to celebrate the magic of literature by dressing up as their favorite characters from books. It's a chance to bring beloved fictional characters to life and ignite a passion for reading. In this blog post, we'll explore creative ideas and provide inspiration for book character day outfits. 

Not sure what to dress up as for book character day? Well we have some ideas for book character costumes for you. We have book character costumes for boys and girls!

Harry Potter

Immerse yourself in the wizarding world by dressing up as Harry Potter. Don the iconic Hogwarts robe, accessorize with a wand, and complete the look with round glasses and a lightning bolt scar. Whether you choose to be the Boy Who Lived or a fellow Hogwarts student, this outfit is sure to captivate the imagination of fellow book lovers.


Thing 1 & 2

  1. Thing 1 and Thing 2: Create some mischief as Dr. Seuss's infamous duo with red jumpsuits, blue afro wigs, and shirts labeled "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" to wear.

Cat in The Hat

Embrace the mischievousness of the Cat in the Hat by wearing a red and white striped hat, a black jumpsuit or dress, and white gloves. Paint on a cat nose and whiskers for the complete feline transformation. Add an umbrella or a stack of colorful books to enhance the character's whimsical nature.



Where's Wally

Get ready to join the search for Wally on Book Character Day with these creative ideas for a Where's Wally costume. Start with a red and white striped shirt, paired with blue pants for a casual look. Complete the ensemble with black-rimmed glasses and a red and white beanie hat with a pom-pom. For an extra touch, consider optional accessories like a camera, walking stick, or backpack. Have fun embracing the hide-and-seek spirit while standing out in your red and white stripes. Happy searching!



Embrace the charm of Captain Hook from Peter Pan with a ruffled shirt, red coat, black pants, pirate hat, and hook hand. Step into the world of treasure hunting as Long John Silver from Treasure Island, wearing ragged clothing, an eye patch, and a bandana. Portray the fearless Anne Bonny with a pirate blouse, corset, leather pants, tall boots, and a tricorn hat. For a playful twist, go for a colorful Jake and the Never Land Pirates outfit with a striped shirt, shorts, pirate hat, eye patch, and foam sword. And don't forget the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow, combining a pirate shirt, vest, worn-out pants, bandana, beaded braids, and pirate accessories.

1 comment

Jun 12, 2023

Is there any costume start with Z like zebra or Zoo keeper

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